About Us
Tenant Zone
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Current Roles
Learn everything about your home including how to pay your rent, your rights and responsibilities.
Understand what tenants can do to get involved in FCHA and their communities.
For repairs, compliments and complaints. You can Contact us here
All information you need to know about FCHA and what we do across Wales, Shropshire and Telford.
If you want to become a First Choice tenant, you can find our how to apply in your area.
Every quater we have a newsletter designed by tenants with hobbies, stories and news from FCHA
If you want to get involved in an event near you, you can visit Insight for our events!
We have an Easy Read version of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy that you can read through here.
The Renting Homes Wales Act came into effect in 2023. Here is all of the information you may need as a Tenant.